12 Days of Wellness: Day 2

Day 2: Community 

We're all a little better together. 

There's a reason that support groups exist for times of life transition. It's hard to pursue change alone. This is no different when it comes to changing up your diet. 

Find a friend, or friends, who are pursuing the same goals. The reason for this goes even deeper than accountability. It's helpful to have someone else who relates to what you're going through. Stressing about the food at a holiday party? Talk with a friend about it before. Make a game plan. Like, eat a healthy snack before you go so you have more will power to make good choices. Feeling peer-pressured to over-indulge on junk? (Yes, this is a real thing. It's also easier to make poor food choices when your friends are doing it too!) Find friends who will empower you to stick with your goals, even when under pressure. 

Use your resources. Pinterest, blogs, social media. Even if your support system is lacking from real life friends, there is an online community to help you through. Find your encouragement by reading blog posts like this one :) Get healthy recipe inspiration. See what's working for others. 

Reach out. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable. Change is hard. Don't expect it to happen easily if you pursue it alone. I'm also a strong believer that relationships improve when we're vulnerable with each other. No one has it all figured out. We're all struggling with something and we all feel inadequate in areas of our life. This doesn't mean we should stop trying. We must remember that we're always stronger when we try together. 

Peace and wellness, to you! See you tomorrow :)



12 Days of Wellness 


Looking for more inspiration? Find nutritious plant-based recipes here + check out more health and nutrition tips here

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I'm incredibly thankful for my amazing support system. My family and friends (many not pictured too).

My community.

You encourage me and support me daily. You inspire me. You are amazing. You are loved. 
