Cinnamon Toast Cashew Mylk

As a kid, my favorite cereal was cinnamon toast crunch. I specifically loved drinking the leftover milk - it was a sugary and cinnamon-y delight!

My new version is dairy-free, naturally sweetened, and I think it tastes even better! 

Somehow, I've been a cashew lover for years and never tried my hand at making cashew milk. I know the straining process can be intimidating when it comes to nut milks. Best part of this recipe? It's no strain!

Cashew don't have a 'skin' like almonds, hazelnuts, brazil nuts, etc. For this reason, as long as they are soaked for at least 2 hours and mixed with adequate water, your end product won't be pulpy! 

This milk is frothy, creamy, and seriously flavorful. Enjoy it in a glass, over your favorite granola, in smoothies, chia puddings, oatmeal, as coffee creamer, etc... It never lasts long in my fridge :) 

Cinnamon Toast Cashew Mylk 

Servings: 7 

Prep Time: 2 hours or overnight 

Assembly Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 2 hours + 5 minutes 


*You can use whole cashews or cashew pieces, just make sure they are RAW, not roasted. 


Serving Size: ~1/2 cup (4 oz)  Total Calories: 119  Total Fat: 7 g

Sodium: 33 mg  Potassium: 118 mg  Total Carbohydrate: 10 g

Fiber: 1 g  Sugar: 5 g  Protein: 3 g