12 Days of Wellness: Day 12

 Day 12: Reflection

Merry Christmas! On our 12th and final day of 12 Days of Wellness, I'm summarizing each day so you can reflect on all we've covered! I hope you'll continue to find these tips useful in the days ahead. Thanks for following along my first long series!

The first step in creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, be it during the holiday season or any time of year, is a healthy relationship with food. Creating limits and restrictions when it comes to food doesn't have to look miserable. If we make changes for the right reasons, and not out of guilt, we see improvement in our life, not loss. 

Day 2: Community

There's a reason that support groups exist for times of life transition. It's hard to pursue change alone. This is no different when it comes to changing up your diet. Find a friend, use your resources, reach out. We must remember that we're always stronger when we try together. 

Day 3: Goals

Don't set yourself up for failure when it comes to setting goals. Be realistic: choosing a measurable goal is also a key to making it realistic. Write it + Schedule it: the best intended goals can be forgotten when the hustle and bustle of life takes over. Don't fear failure! Be sure to celebrate the small steps. 

Day 4: Rest

Nutrition and exercise are really only a portion of what truly makes up wellness + health. Rest and stress-management are two other vital pieces of the puzzle. When schedules are hectic, try not to overcommit, ask for help when needed, and don't be afraid to say no. 

Day 5: Stress

Stressors of life are inevitable, but it is our mindset that we have control over. The habits and patterns we create in our lives dictate how stress affects us. Breathe: Slow it down by taking intentional deep breaths. Start with 10. In through your nose, then out through your mouth with a soft sigh. Planning ahead and knowing your triggers, and even with talking it out with a friend or therapist, can keep stress in check. 

Day 6: Activity

The most realistic goals to have during this season are ones of maintenance. If you don't have a current routine, try keeping your focus on staying active in daily activities. Yoga, running, walking, biking, swimming are all awesome activities. Find what works for you!

Day 7: BYOF

One thing that I've learned since adopting a whole-food, plant-based diet, is that bringing my own food is a must. Check out the bonus recipe for Day 7: Happy Holiday Pinwheels!

Day 8: Consistency

Avoid the rollercoaster mentality that is 'dieting.' Consistency is so important when it comes to successful change. This means not setting limits on when the change is 'done' or 'over,' rather thinking of it as a journey. You can still be flexible, but don't skip meals.

Day 9: Focus

What if we took the focus off food? The holiday season is the perfect time to shift our perspective to the things that matter most. This season is about so much more than the food we have on our plate. Maybe you can take 5 minutes today to make a list, in your head or on paper, of what you want to focus on this week.

Day 10: Social Media

Tis the season for social media overload! If you find it hard to stick to your healthy lifestyle (both mentally and physically) while seeing a constant stream of food pictures, friend/family drama, complaining, bragging, etc etc, you are not alone. Your feelings on social media are really a matter of personal opinion. The take home message here is know yourself and do what you need to do to care for yourself.

Day 11: Booze

We've talked extensively about parties and food, but we should take time to mention alcohol as well. Moderation. A good rule of thumb is to avoid having more than 1 drink per hour, and no more than 3 drinks in an evening. Stop Early. Stick to beer + wine. If you do choose a mixed drink or cocktail, go for one on the rocks -- the ice provides some needed dilution!

Peace and wellness, to you!
