Day 8: Consistency
Avoid the rollercoaster mentality that is 'dieting.' If you want to successfully make a lifestyle change, consistency is key. This means not setting limits on when the change is 'done' or 'over,' rather thinking of it as a journey. It may not look the same every day. It may not be perfect. But it's a continual effort that moves forward.
This brings me to the concept of 'cheat days' - a common trend in many popular diets. Cheating doesn't usually equate to anything good, and I feel this holds true here as well. I know it's a tempting idea, but consistency is so important when it comes to successful change. If you are intentionally setting aside your goal on a regular basis, you break momentum. You are more likely to be successful, and feel better mentally and physically, if you stick to your routine.
You can still be flexible. Being consistent doesn't mean you can't adapt to the circumstances at hand. When eating out or at the home of others, you don't always have control of the choices. Just do your best to make the choice that comes closest to your goal. You can also plan ahead by eating a snack before or BYOF when possible!
Don't skip meals! This is another common thought process during the holiday season. "I want to eat a lot at this holiday party tonight, so I'll skip lunch today." I can see the logic, but this actually ends up working against you in multiple ways. First, when you approach any meal hangry and starving, you are very likely to over-indulge. Second, your body gets confused - digestive symptoms like bloating and indigestion, large fluctuations in blood sugar levels, and mood and concentration issues can result when your body goes too long without fuel. Make sure to eat at least 3 meals per day, and ideally 5 small meals when possible.
Remember that what we eat directly nourishes or damages our bodies. Take good care this season!
Peace and wellness, to you!
12 Days of Wellness
Did you see these plant-based, holiday pinwheels? Find the recipe here.