Welcome to the VV!

Thanks for stopping by! The VV is officially live and I'm so excited to share what I've been working on! This site is an extension of myself.

Sharing healthful, plant-based recipes is my passion. Creating a healthier world and decreasing chronic disease is my goal. 

I'm Alyssa, RN, MS and holistic nutritionist. To learn more about my background, visit here

The Variant Veggie is built upon:

  1. Vegetables. 
    • Eating plants doesn't have to be bland or boring. It should be flavorful and variant.
  2. Lifestyle change.
    • I know this is a bit of a buzz word right now, but don't glance over this important term. The Variant Veggie is not a diet or a trend. It's not a quick fix to weight loss or a cleanse or a detox. It's a lifestyle. 
  3. Evidence-based Information.
    • New "fad diets" pop up everyday. Everyone and their cousin is an expert on what you should be eating. Food blogs are abundant. What makes The VV different? Evidence-based information. If I share knowledge with you, it came from a solid source, like an academic journal, textbook, or medical professional. 
  4. Community.
    • I'm a firm believer that we are all here on this earth to work together. We are at our best when we collaborate, share, and connect. The VV is a place to gain information, meet new people, and ask questions so we can continue to learn together. 

Ok, so are you wondering if you have to be a full time plant eater, or vegan, to utilize The Variant Veggie?

No, you certainly do not. Maybe you know nothing about vegan recipes and you have found yourself here. Maybe you are interested in trying out some meat-free meals a few days a week. Or maybe you're a seasoned herbivore. There is something here for everyone. Please stick around and explore what The VV may have to offer! 

Keep an eye out for upcoming tools, like The Variant Veggie Starter Guide - a resource for those interested in starting up a plant-centric lifestyle!

See you soon!
