
12 Days of Wellness: Day 8

12 Days of Wellness: Day 8

Day 8: Consistency. 

If you want to successfully make a lifestyle change, consistency is key. This means not setting limits on when the change is 'done' or 'over,' rather thinking of it as a journey. It may not look the same every day. It may not be perfect. But it's a continual effort that moves forward.

12 Days of Wellness: Day 3

12 Days of Wellness: Day 3

Why wait until New Year's to start thinking about resolutions? I'm not a big fan of the cliche goals, like "Go to the gym more" or "Eat healthier." Don't set yourself up for failure when it comes to setting goals. Let's talk about some simple steps to consider when you're making a diet and lifestyle change. 

Word to the Well: SUGAR

Word to the Well: SUGAR

You know it’s bad, but it’s everywhere. How bad could it really be? We associate sweet treats with parties and happy memories, it’s what we crave after a bad day, it’s how we express love to someone, it’s that afternoon pick-me-up. Sound about right?

Kudos to the sugar industry (and advertisers) for imbedding our need for sugar so deeply within our culture, that it’s taken about 70 years for us to wake up.